My Name is Constance Maffenbeier. I currently reside at Guernsey, Saskatchewan on a cattle ranch. I was born in Edmonton, Alberta and lived on a farm at Wildwood, Alberta before moving to Val Marie in 1967 to assist our mother in operating restaurant. I left Val Marie in 1970 to attend the comprehensive high school for my grade 11 year. I met and married my husband Mike, December 11, 1971 in Val Marie. Together we started Southern Excavating, specializing in road, dam and dugout construction. I ran the D8 bulldozer in the operation along with Mike and one other employee. I left that job in 1976 to work in the Val Marie School as the Secretary, Librarian and remedial teaching assistant.
In 1987 we moved to Guernsey SK to start a Ranching operation. We started with cows on shares from two different ranchers until we eventually built up our own herd of commercial red and black Angus cattle. We moved a house onto the property with the help of a local carpenter named Ralph. As mike was working at the Co-op refinery in Regina, I helped Ralph build the basement and remodel the house. under the tutelage of Ralph I learned to become a carpenter and to this day I can remodel houses inside and out.
In 1989 I attend the community college in Lanigan to become a special care aide and was hired by the nursing home in Lanigan. I worked there until 1996 when I attended the nursing program at SIAST in Regina. After Graduating from there I worked at the Lanigan General Hospital as well as St. Pauls and City Hospitals in Saskatoon.
I applied to the RCMP in 1999 was accepted and Graduated in 2001. My Second Daughter, Sterling, was accepted at the RCMP depot a week before I enrolled. We went through training together and at my Graduation she was able to present me with my badge. We were the first Mother/daughter team to train together in the history of the RCMP. It was a very proud moment for our families with CTV covering the story. I was posted to the Cut Knife detachment were we served 2 First Nations reserves and numerous small towns and villages in the area. While there I received training and became qualified to train future graduates of the RCMP. In 2006 I was relocated to Watrous as Senior Constable and took an many duties including the continued training of recruitments from the Depot. I served as interim detachment commander while the SGT's position was vacant. In 2012 I was posted to the Swift Current city detachment and it was from here I retired from the RCMP in 2014.
I currently work the ranch with my husband Mike running our 120 head herd of cattle. Together we cover the yearly responsibilities from calving in the spring haying in the summer and the fall work of hauling bales and shipping calves. when we can in the winter we like to get away to visit friends and family in Mesa, Arizona.
We have three daughters, two of which joined the RCMP. Both reside in Ontario where one is retired and other still active with the RCMP. The Third owns and operates her own safety consulting business in Alberta and we have 3 grandchildren.
I am excited and honoured to join the Buffalo Party as a Candidate for the Swift Current Constituency.
We Need to Build a future for our children and grandchildren that is not crippled by debt.
We need to take care of those who toiled and built our province including those who protected our freedoms.
We are a Province of hard-working people, generous to a fault, but stoic. we get things done by doing. We keep forging ahead with the intent of positive outcomes. Together we can build a healthy, strong, and debt free Saskatchewan
Let's do it together.
Email:[email protected]
Phone: 1-306-360-7715